about us

About us1mokuについて

Nestled in the heart of Jingumae, Tokyo, our firm takes pride in being a global design powerhouse. Our reach extends across continents, bringing our expertise to Japan, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. At our core, we are more than just a design firm - we are curators of landscapes, architects of atmospheres, and creators of experiences. With a dedicated design office in the artistic heart of Barcelona, we have established ourselves as a versatile entity, specializing not only in landscape design but also in scenography, garden design, landscaping, exterior work, and civil engineering. Our journey is defined by the fusion of traditional and modern Japanese garden design, elevated by a thoughtful integration of Western philosophies. This dynamic synergy is made possible by our diverse team of English, Japanese, and Spanish trilingual professionals, each bringing a unique perspective to the table. This multicultural approach allows us to transcend boundaries and craft designs that resonate on a global scale. In our commitment to excellence, we go beyond aesthetics. We believe in responsible design practices, acknowledging the importance of biodiversity, the utilization of local plants, and thorough research of the local environment. Our designs are not just visually striking; they are an immersive journey into sustainability and harmony. We understand that a well-designed space goes beyond its visual appeal. It should also contribute positively to the well-being of individuals. With this in mind, we prioritize the healing effects of our designs on humans, ensuring that each project we undertake brings not only visual delight but also a sense of tranquillity and rejuvenation. Welcome to our world - where design knows no borders, and every project tells a story of cultural integration, sustainability, and unparalleled beauty.

1moku co.は、東京・神宮前を拠点に、バルセロナにデザインオフィスを構え、日本・アジア・中東・ヨーロッパと国際的に活動し、ランドスケープの設計・デザインだけにとどまらず、空間演出、庭園設計、造園・外構工事、土木工事まで手掛けるオールマイティなデザインスタジオである。伝統的なものからモダンな日本庭園の設計に卓越していると同時に、英語・日本語・スペイン語のトリリンガルなグローバルチームによって、西洋的な哲学もデザインに取り入れている。日本独自の美意識とグローバルなビジョンを融合することで質の高いデザインの可能性を追求し続けている。1mokuの卓越性は美学を超越しているためにある。それは、生物多様性の重要性を認識し、その土地の植物を活用し、環境を徹底的に調査する、責任ある設計手法を信条とし、見た目の美しさだけでなく、持続可能性との調和を追求する旅でもある。よくデザインされた空間は、視覚的な魅力にとどまらない。人々へ癒しを与えることが第一に考えられ、個人の幸福に貢献するものだと保証されている。私たちは、各プロジェクトが視覚的な歓びだけでなく、安らぎと活力をもたらすことを保証する。デザインに国境はなく、すべてのプロジェクトが文化の融合、持続可能性、比類ない美しさを物語るという理念を軸に活動している。

Nestled in the heart of Jingumae, Tokyo, our firm takes pride in being a global design powerhouse. Our reach extends across continents, bringing our expertise to Japan, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. At our core, we are more than just a design firm – we are curators of landscapes, architects of atmospheres, and creators of experiences. With a dedicated design office in the artistic heart of Barcelona, we have established ourselves as a versatile entity, specializing not only in landscape design but also in scenography, garden design, landscaping, exterior work, and civil engineering.


hirofumi sugaスガ ヒロフミ

artist / CEO

hirofumi sugaスガ ヒロフミ

Born in 1972 in Shakujii Park, Tokyo, Hirofumi Suga began his journey in landscape architecture at the age of 17. A year and a half later, after being enthralled by the beauty of Kyoto's gardens he sought to receive training by the head garden designer at Ryoanji, only to be refused by the chief priest. By introduction from Ryoanji's head garden designer, he was able to receive training at Kyoto/Jonangu Shrine famous for Kyokusui no En. Following roughly four years of training, Suga began his own career as a garden designer at the age of 22. From that time, he also began studying the art of tea ceremony and flower arrangement. Around the age of 30, design and planning job requests began coming in more often, and at the age of 44 he opened up his office in Barcelona, Spain. Currently, he works globally based out of both Japan and Barcelona.


spain teamスペインチーム

spain teamスペインチーム

In the heart of Spain, our Barcelona team is the driving force behind our global design initiatives. We take pride in our trilingual communication abilities, seamlessly navigating in Spanish, English, and Japanese. This linguistic diversity is not just a practical advantage but a testament to our commitment to effective cross-cultural collaboration. Meet our core team members, Samuel, Tomeu, and Yasmin, who infuse their distinctive talents into every project.


spain teamjapan team

tomeu ferranoffice manager

yasmin castillolandscape designer

samuel ferrancordinator

hikari sugiharalandscape designer


  • naoshi tanaka
  • yusuke nakayama
  • koichi mitani
and more...


  • garden design
  • garden landscaping &
    outdoor construction
  • architectural design &
  • space production
  • management
  • other services