Project down a quiet alley off Gaiennishi-dori in Shirokane. Created by renovating an old two-story house, the interior retains the 80 year-old flavor, cleverly integrating modern elements to a structure from the good old days of Japanese architecture. As a result, the house was reborn with a very unique design. The space also makes a good use of trees such as winter camellia, sakura, and shidare-zakura, and other vegetation to enhance the delight of the Japanese seasons.
白金、外苑西通りから少し奥へ入った静かな路地。 2階建て古民家を改装した内装は、築80年の懐かしさを活かし、古き良き日本建築にモダンな要素を見事に融合させた個性的なデザインへ生まれ変わった。 寒椿・桜・しだれ桜など、日本の四季や風情を感じる植物を生かした空間になった。