

  • 2016

    Japanese garden design and construction of Yorozuya-honpo (Kanagawa)鎌倉萬屋本舗 庭工事(神奈川)

  • 2016

    Healing garden design and construction of Sakura-no-mori (Osaka)さくらの杜・半田 つながりの庭 (大阪)

  • 2016

    Bridal landscape design and construction of Miel Citron (Mie)ミエルシトロン 植栽工事(三重・四日市)

  • 2015

    Landscape design and construction of Namegata Farmers’ Village (Ibaraki)なめがたファーマーズヴィレッジ(茨城)

  • 2015

    Landscape design and construction of Quantic (Fukuoka)天神Quantic 植栽工事(福岡)

  • 2015

    Landscape design and construction of Belle Cachette (Yamagata)ベルカシェット(山形)

  • 2015

    Frontyard design and construction of Ouen, Taikoen (Osaka)太閤園 桜苑 植栽工事(大阪)

  • 2015

    Landscape design and construction of Takanawa PrincessGarten (Tokyo)高輪プリンセスガルテン 植栽リノベーション(東京)

  • 2015

    Landscape design and construction of Karuizawa Elegance Hotel (Nagano)軽井沢エレガンスホテル 植栽工事(長野)

  • 2015

    Landscape design and construction of Matsumoto Hikariya Garden (Nagano)松本ヒカリヤガーデン(長野)